Welcome to International Thyroid Eye Disease Society !

Physician Directory / Member List

  • Office Phone:


  • Address:

    4511 Chicopee Trail

  • City:

    Durham, North Carolina

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  • Country:

    United States

  • Fax:

  • Institution:

    University of North Carolina

  • Degrees:

    MD, PhD

  • Current Affiliation:

    University of North Carolina

  • Specialty:

    Oculoplastic surgery, Ophthalmic oncology

Dr. Dutton received a Ph.D. in Biology, Anatomy, and Vertebrate Paleontology from Harvard University in 1970 and was Professor of Paleontology at Princeton University from 1970 to 1973. He earned an M.D. degree in 1977 from Washington University and completed fellowshps in glaucoma research and oculoplastic surgery. He served as Professor of Oculoplastic Surgery at Duke University from 1983 until 2000, and then at the University of North Carolina until 2014. Dr. Dutton is currently Professor Emeritus at UNC. He founded the ITEDS Tissue Bank and served as its Medical Director from 2013-2020 and was President of ITEDS from 2018-2020. Since 2009 he has served as Editor-in-Chief of Ophthalmic Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery. He is author of nine books on African paleontology, oculoplastic surgery, orbital anatomy, orbital radiology, and thyroid eye disease, published more than 260 articles, and contributed more than 80 book chapters. He has been an invited speaker at more than 200 meetings in 70 foreign countries.