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Although objective measurements document disease severity, and interval changes document disease activity, subjective measurements of quality of life are also important to gauge the disease. The European Graves’ Ophthalmopathy Quality of Life questionnaire (GO-QOL) consists of 16 questions, half pertaining to visual functioning and half to appearance. The Graves’ Ophthalmopathy Quality of Life Scale (GO-QLS) consists of a single question about overall well-being, a single question about appearance, and seven questions about visual function.


The Thyroid Eye Disease Quality of Life scale (TED-QOL) is a simple three-item questionnaire with a 10-point Likert scale relating to satisfaction with the overall quality of life, ability to function, and appearance. Each question has a 0 to 10 numerical rating scale with pictorial anchors (a simple happy and unhappy face) at either end.

The more detailed and well-established GO-QOL is best suited for research applications, but the TED-QOL is easier to complete and score and is more sensitive and responsive to rehabilitative surgery and is well suited for everyday clinical use. It has been adopted by ITEDS as its standardized QOL questionnaire and is included in part on the VISA forms. A Word -version download is available below.


TED QOL Survey

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