Welcome to International Thyroid Eye Disease Society !

Student Member Sign-up

Student Member Sign-up

Student ITEDS Membership
Residents and fellows in ophthalmology or endocrinology may join as student members with proof of current student status. There are no fees for students.

Membership benefits include:
1.ITEDS news bulletins about upcoming educational and research meetings
2.Invitations to participate in research pursuits. Those wishing to pursue their own research may choose to share their ideas within the framework of ITEDS for constructive feedback.
3.Membership Directory:  Listing of contact information as a student member.

Student Professional Membership requirements:
1.An interest in participating in ITEDS research or educational activities.
2. A completed on-line application form (see link below)
3.Residents or fellows in ophthalmology, fellows in endocrinology , rheumatology or head and neck surgery, or research graduate students may join for one year with no annual dues.  A letter from the program director or senior supervisor of their training institution is required with the application and this must be repeated annually.
4.No cost for students (fellows in endocrinology / rheumatology/head and neck surgery, residents or fellows in ophthalmology, or research graduate students), but only with proof of student status from current training institution.


Click here to apply for student professional member status