Welcome to International Thyroid Eye Disease Society !

Who Gets TED

Thyroid Eye Disease

Portions of this overview on TED have been previously published :

Portions of this overview on TED have been previously published: 

Dolman, PJ, Grading severity and activity in thyroid eye disease. Ophthal Plast Reconstruct
2018;34: (4S), S34-S40

Who Gets TED

Thyroid eye disease (TED), also known as Graves’ Orbitopathy, is an orbital inflammatory disorder that is associated with thyroid autoimmune diseases and causes expansion and scarring of orbital fat and striated muscle.  Although it is self-limited, TED may significantly impact cosmesis, vision, and quality of life.
TED is the most common orbital disease globally, with a prevalence estimated between 0.5%–2%, and with females outnumbering males by 5:1. It usually occurs between the second and sixth decade and involves all races.
Between 25 – 50% of patients with immune thyroid diseases develop orbital involvement, and of those, 5 – 10% may develop more severe consequences such as severe inflammation and congestion, impaired motility, or compressive optic neuropathy.